“The State of Black America” Report Released

The National Urban League released its annual report, “The State of Black America,” at the end of March. The report stresses the need for job-creation initiatives in communities with few economic opportunities. It also gives an overview of equality between whites, Hispanics, and African Americans, using various measures. On a scale in which 100 percent is “perfect equality” between the opportunities given to whites and African Americans, the Urban League report assigns a 71.5 percent number this year. This is down slightly from the percent a year ago.

To formulate the index number, the group analyzes economic factors such as rates of home ownership, unemployment, and median household income. It also looks at social issues such as educational attainment, numbers of persons with health insurance, and incarceration rates. This year’s report shows that equality is increasing in the unemployment rate, incarceration rate, and prisoners as a percentage of arrests. It shows a decline in equality in the areas of home ownership, school enrollment, and educational attainment. Inequality is also increasing in loan availability and children’s health.

The report also suggests specific strategies for improving the rate of equality between races. Marc Morial, the president and CEO of the National Urban League, has discussed several of these ideas in the press. One is the formation of a summer jobs program. Another is providing economic incentives for small businesses to locate in areas where unemployment is higher. Morial has stressed the need for “growth zones” where specific governmental intervention would work to overcome entrenched inequality. One focus of these zones would be the promotion of green energy as a way to help both the residents and the environment.

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  1. PopRo says:

    “Races” “Blacks”? The only race with people is the human race, and everyone in the human race is pink underneath.

  2. lakuonomez says:

    this rasism needs to stop we should all try to get along with each other

  3. meeeeeee says:

    ikr yall funny

  4. Jaylaaaa=) says:

    Rasism Needs To Come To AN END !!,