Pictures in Brain Are Shown on Screen

A patient undergoing fMRI

Have you ever thought how cool it would be if you could record your dreams or thoughts and replay them? Scientists may actually have brought us closer to that fantasy.

A team of University of California researchers experimented on themselves. The test required that participants lie motionless within an fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) machine for about two hours. They stared at a dot as brief movie clips played in the background. The team had fed some 18 million one-second film clips into a computer. The computer then tried to match images from those clips to what the fMRI picked up from the participants’ brain scans. The experimental results are mixed. For example, some of the recorded images are recognizable as human faces, which is what was being shown to the participants. Others, such as one that shows elephants walking, are much more blurry and unidentifiable.

Of what use could this experiment possibly be? Eventually, the process might provide brain stimulation for people who have trouble processing visual information. Or, stroke victims and other people who cannot communicate through normal methods may receive a new way to express themselves. A therapist might be able to visualize what pictures play in the brain of a person suffering from hallucinations.

A development this remarkable has also raised fears, of course. Spy-movie scenarios of mind-reading or eavesdropping on one’s brainwaves are not a threat, however, since the process requires that the subject be a willing participant. But who knows what the future holds for this new field of psychological research?

Image credit: Corbis

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  1. KAtie JOnes says:

    I think it would be AWESOME!!

  2. Tgang. says:

    That could be FANTASTIC!!!! I’ve always wanted to watch my dreams, I think it’d be so unique!!

  3. MYSELF says:

    if these can project dreams, can they project day-dreams or thoughts?

  4. BRITNEY says:


  5. WHO? says:

    That is so cool!

  6. i like cheese says:

    thats so cool

  7. Olivia says:

    Thats pretty neat; i wonder how long that took, and how on earth those people were able to figure that out!!!

  8. jessika and jasmine says:

    this story is interesting and we like this story. we enjoyed reading this story. we also think that the story is awesome

  9. Anne says:


  10. Shwan says:


  11. CHIWAWA says:


  12. brady mcConnell says:

    this is really intreastting

  13. brett says:


  14. poop mcpoop skin says:


  15. Hello bob says:


  16. alice says:

    who’s macpoop?


    ZIS IZ Z BEST ZITE EVER¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

  18. Liz says:

    now we just need to make that possible with videos

  19. Courtney says:

    This is gonna rule ill finally now what I dream about I always FORGET

  20. cassie says:

    it would be cool to do that 🙂

  21. tekiera kekes the best ever cooper says:

    this story is lame but it is cool to learn about how your mind can change state this is like mk ultra project and how you can watch your dreams

  22. tashana p. p5 says:

    thats so awesome i would really want to try that out!!!! 🙂

  23. toniesha butler says:

    it is cool nd i would like to try 🙂

  24. josh says:

    who made this brain thing

  25. cheeselover extreme! says:

    I love cheese more than i like cheese!!

  26. YOLO AND SWAG!!!!! says:

    This is cool but creepy at the same time, but i would like to try it.
    I get to see my dreams finally
    LOL 😀

  27. bdog says:
