West African Unrest Threatens Timbuktu

The Mosque of Sankore, in Timbuktu, Mali, built in the 1400s

The name “Timbuktu” has long evoked images of a semi-mythical place that is unimaginably far away and enticingly exotic. It is an actual city, though, in the West African country of Mali, and Timbuktu and its people face threats that are all too real.

Timbuktu is a UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) World Heritage Site, for its fame as a center for Islamic learning. It was at its height during the fifteenth century, when Muslim scholars studied science, mathematics, Islamic writing, and history there. Its architecture, which uses mud and wood in inventive ways, is remarkable. Even today, some 60 private libraries hold about 700,000 ancient manuscripts.

The modern world has intruded on this storied place. Rebels who want a homeland for the nomadic Tuareg people have taken over the northern part of Mali, which includes Timbuktu, and declared it to be an independent country named Azawad. A different group, which has links to the terrorist group al Qaeda, wants to establish Sharia, traditional Islamic law. These rebels banned Western music on the airwaves and ransacked bars that served alcohol. The region’s population was already in distress. A long-lasting drought threatens the food supply of some 13 million people. Thousands have left their homes. The political disruption may put these people in greater jeopardy. Aid agencies have been prevented from helping those displaced by the rebellion. UNESCO officials worry not just about the people’s welfare, but also that the disorder could interrupt efforts to save the ancient manuscripts in digital form and prevent access to them.

Mali’s central government has also been in tumult. After staging a coup, the army soon returned control to civilians. The new president has vowed not to let Mali be split in two.

Image credit: © Sandro Vannini/Corbis

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  1. cecilis nostrol says:

    very good i couldnt stop sneexing

  2. dreshaun.j says:

    who threaten a country that is poor that would take there supplies

  3. MARIA V. says:


  4. elena says:

    haha for real !!!

  5. lala says:

    this is so formal it is long but it has some important info

  6. Sam says:

    Wow…why would someone threaten a weakened country.

  7. rob says:

    what up

  8. matt thourope says:

    hey bro

  9. watermolone says:

    hey guys

  10. reid says:

    who cares