Mitt Romney completely blew Obama out of the water with his debate. Although I did notice that Obama stole Romneys debate style and technique during the second and third debates. Typical of him to steal.
Today we seldom find tenhicag which uses rational thinking and logic. These students were told a list of which patriotic candidates to criticize. Students are often led by teachers/school systems to follow their liberal way of thinking. Teachers also tell students to write the legislature and ask for more tax dollars and for higher taxes. These teachers are using their public position to lobby. Tax payer dollars are paying them a salary and they use their position to lobby for more money. This should not be legal and should be challenged and have consequences. These kinds of actions demean the position of teacher.VN:F [1.9.14_1148](from 0 votes)
Mitt Romney completely blew Obama out of the water with his debate. Although I did notice that Obama stole Romneys debate style and technique during the second and third debates. Typical of him to steal.
Today we seldom find tenhicag which uses rational thinking and logic. These students were told a list of which patriotic candidates to criticize. Students are often led by teachers/school systems to follow their liberal way of thinking. Teachers also tell students to write the legislature and ask for more tax dollars and for higher taxes. These teachers are using their public position to lobby. Tax payer dollars are paying them a salary and they use their position to lobby for more money. This should not be legal and should be challenged and have consequences. These kinds of actions demean the position of teacher.VN:F [1.9.14_1148](from 0 votes)
sara, think about what you just said…it was ok when Romney did it but when Obama does the same its bad…that’s bias